Knowing When It's Time for Hospice?

We so often hear "I wish we had started hospice care sooner" and we respond " we do too". There are often cases where we only have patients for a few weeks, days or even hours. Patients and families benefit the most when they have hospice care for the last months of life.

Though it is hard to state the moment when hospice care is needed, there are several signs that hospice care would be beneficial:
  • caregivers are exhausted and can no longer care for the loved ones
  • doctors have diagnosed you or your loved one with having 6 months or less to live
  • patient and family need emotional support to cope with the terminal diagnosis
  • curative treatments are no longer an option

When is someone eligible for hospice care?
Medicare, medicaid and private insurance covers hospice care when your doctor certifies that you are terminally ill and have 6 months or less to live if your illness runs its normal course.

Can we stop Hospice care?
Yes, you can request to stop care at anytime should you wish to seek other treatments.

What can Hospice do for me if I have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, but my doctor has predicted a greater than 6 month time period?
Hospice of Laurens County has the Transistions Program for individuals that are not yet ready for full hospice care or still wishes to seek curative treatments.

“You matter because you are you. You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.”
         - Dr. Cicely Saunders, Founder of modern-day hospices