Choosing a Hospice Program

When selecting a hospice program, it is important to ask the following questions to insure that you are getting the best end-of-life care possible.
Always ask for your Hospice of choice by name...Hospice of Laurens County.

•How long has the hospice program in consideration been in operation?
Hospice of Laurens County has been in operation since 1987. We were the first hospice program to open in the county. We are a local, independent, not-for-profit hospice.

•What payment sources does the hospice program accept - Medicare, medicaid, private insurance?
Hospice of Laurens County is a not-for-profit organization; accepting all patients regardless of their ability to pay for services. Hospice care is usually paid from Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance reimbursement. Funding for patients without Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance coverage comes from United Way allocations, fundraising, the Hospice of Laurens County Thrift Store and donations.

• Is the hospice licensed by the State?
Hospice of Laurens County is licensed by the State of South Carolina to operate in Laurens, Union, Greenwood, Greenville and Newberry counties.

•What services does the hospice provide?
Hospice of Laurens County provides volunteer and bereavement services in addition to the medication, supplies and equipment required to maintain patient comfort. We have a Hospice House for patients that can no longer be cared for at home for multiple reasons.

•Are volunteer services available in the patient home?
Hospice of Laurens County has wonderful volunteers. They serve multiple roles for our organization including home visits.

•How often does hospice staff make home visits?
Hospice staff visits vary depending on the level of care that is needed. Some patients could expect to see a staff member daily others may see staff several times a week.

•Who provides on-call coverage during nights and weekends?
Hospice of Laurens County provides on-call coverage. We do not use other facilities to cover our on-call needs.

•Does the hospice have access to long-term care facilities?
Hospice of Laurens County can serve patients wherever they request.

•Does the hospice have an inpatient facility?
Hospice of Laurens County's Hospice House was completed in the Fall of 2009.

•May I tour the facility?
Our facility is open to tour anytime. Consider calling ahead to schedule a time, this will allow for a staff member to walk you through and answer any questions (864) 833-6287.

•What bereavement services are provided?
Bereavement services are available for anyone in the community. We also have a Children's Bereavement Program, Jaime's Tree House.

“You matter because you are you. You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.”
         - Dr. Cicely Saunders, Founder of modern-day hospices